When visiting Africa, the Big Five are on top of everyone’s bucket list. Seeing the Big 5 on safari is often the Number One reason to visit the African Continent- safari. Richard has always maintained that Africa has more surprises and more wildlife than most people can possibly imagine.
Seeking the lesser known but no less majestic – the Marine 5 are becoming more and more popular on a visit to Africa. So brace yourself for the magnificent Marine 5 and the “Serengeti of the Sea”. The Marine 5 includes whales, sharks, seals, penguins and dolphins, ocean creatures particularly popular at the southern tip of Africa.
The bountiful waters of South Africa are home to all five of the Marine 5, and can be viewed when on a safari trip to South Africa. Richard shares some of his favourite facts about each of these iconic species of the ocean, that he personally discovered whilst in Africa. In this post he shares interesting facts about the highly intelligent and very popular member of the Marine 5 – the dolphin.
- There are 28 species of dolphin found in the waters off the coast of Africa.
- Dolphin groups vary in size based on the abundance of food offered, it is believed.
- A dolphin sleeps by turning off one side of its brain.
- The well known bottlenose dolphin can weigh up to 500 pounds, measure 12 feet in length and consume up to 30 pounds of fish a day.
- Dolphin offspring will stay with its mother for between 3 and 8 years.
- Dolphins can gather in group sizes ranging from 5 to a few hundred.
- Most dolphins living in the sea can reach an age of 40 years.
- The outer layer of dolphin skin can be 10 – 20 times thicker than the skin of a land mammal. The skin can sometimes shed every few hours to ensure sleekness and the ensuing underwater speed.
- The bottlenose dolphin can jump as high as 16 feet out of the water.
- Dolphin can stayed submerged for as many as 5 minutes at a time.
Richard has more than 12 years of personal travel in Africa, in addition to guiding and planning trips and itineraries for his clients. He has seen and experienced most of Southern and East Africa and is continuously staying up to date and researching the latest news, lodges, accommodation and travel logistics. If you need advice or a chat….. just ASK RICHARD!
Watch this video of dolphins surfing at Lekkerwater, in De Hoop Nature Reserve, South Africa
See more dolphin images taken by Greg Huglin of California during three trips to South Africa here.
And some amazing pictures of dolphins stealing the show at a surfing contest in J-Bay, South Africa here
Southern Sky Adventures
Specializing in guided and self-drive trips through Southern and East Africa & the Indian Ocean Islands
721 Woodward Way, NW, Atlanta, GA 30327 USA
404.300.9630 office – 770.324.0068 cell
Website: www.southernskyadventures.com